Dry and cool weather will continue in Ukraine – Pilip Travkin
by .In Ukraine on Thursday, May 9, partly cloudy weather is expected, no precipitation, with only light intermittent rain in the Carpathians and Crimea.
This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
Wind north, northeast, 3-8 m/s.
The temperature at night will be 1-6°C, on the ground surface frosts 0-5°, in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions severe frosts 0-3°, in the southern part and Transcarpathia 7-12°C; during the day 15-20°, in the northern, eastern, Poltava and Cherkasy regions 10-15° Celsius.
No precipitation is forecast in Kyiv and the Kyiv region on May 9. Temperatures in the capital at night are 4-6°C, during the day 12-14°C; in the region at night 1-6°C, frost on the ground surface 0-5°; 10-15°C during the day.
Over the next two days, cloudy skies and no precipitation will remain in Ukraine, with only light rain in places on the afternoon of May 11 in the northern, western and central regions. Wind of variable directions, 3-5 m/s.
Temperature at night on May 10 is 1-6°C, on the ground surface frosts are 0-5°, in Sumy, Kharkov and Lugansk regions there are severe frosts of 0-3°, in Transcarpathia and the sea coast, on May 11 in Ukraine, except in the east, 5-10° heat; in the afternoon 13-18°, in the southern, southwestern, May 11 and southeastern parts 17-22°.
In the capital region there will be no precipitation on May 10-11; light rain is possible in some places only on the afternoon of May 11. Temperature in Kyiv at night on May 10 is 4-6° Celsius, on May 11 8-10°; during the day 15-17°. In the Kyiv region at night on May 10, 1-6°C, frost on the ground surface 0-5°, on May 11, 5-10°C; during the day 13-18°.
During May 12-13 in Ukraine, according to weather forecasters, there will be no precipitation, only on May 13 at night in the north-east of the country, during the day in the northern, central and eastern regions there is light intermittent rain, and in some places thunderstorms during the day.
Temperature at night 2-8°C, during the day on May 12 13-18°, on May 13 8-13°; in the south of the country at night 8-13 °, during the day 14-20 °.
In Kyiv and the region on May 12-13 it will be dry, with only light intermittent rain in places on the afternoon of May 13. The air temperature in the capital at night is 6-8°C, during the day on May 12 14-16°, on May 13 9-11°. In the Kyiv region at night 3-8°C, during the day on May 12 13-18°, on May 13 8-13°.