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The inhabitants of the ocean are under threat due to global warming

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Global ocean warming has threatened marine organisms and ecosystems. Such conclusions were reached by a group of scientists from the Swedish Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics (IBP). The study is published in the journal AGU Advances.

An increase in water acidity and a decrease in oxygen content as a result of climate change also turned out to be unfavorable. This is dangerous for marine life and ecosystems, which cannot quickly adapt to new conditions.

According to researchers, the duration of adverse events can now be up to 30 days in a row. At the same time, in the upper layers of the ocean, they last three times longer and six times more intensively than in the early 1960s. The territory covered by adverse phenomena has increased 39 times.

Due to the current situation, the inhabited space available for marine organisms is decreasing. The tropics and the northern part of the Pacific Ocean – places with special biodiversity – suffer the most.

Earlier, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported on the possible termination of the El Niño climate phenomenon this year. The phenomenon is characterized by an increase in the temperature of the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean. This is contributing to a sharp rise in global temperatures and an increase in the number of extreme weather events around the world. El Nino will be replaced by La Niña – a decrease in the temperature of the ocean surface.


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